Grass volleyball on Clapham Common (Little Giants VC) Popular for players and public alike.
Early summer volleyball on Clapham Common provided a happy and enjoyable place on Saturday (26th May). Organised by Little Giants V C, it attracted a big band of players and provided an entertaining break in the walk on the common for individuals, couples and families making their way across the expanse of greenery in beautiful sunshine. By 4pm, the area hit its peak with fifty players, thirty of them actively playing and another twenty sitting around having their picnic. It was a wonderful atmosphere. Hoping to have a nice weather again tomorrow, Monday (28th May) for another Bank Holiday weekend volleyball on the Common. Weather permitting, there will be the opportunity to join the activity every Saturday during the summer from 10.30 to sunset. Details on the Little Giants web site. Outdoor volleyball on grass will be going on at various other venues over the coming months and some are advertised on this web site. May we encourage others who are organising games: one off or in a series, to make them known by adding to the number advertised and may we encourage players to join in whenever they can.
Author: Douglas Barr-Hamilton