Brand new women’s training session in SW London starts on 5th June Tuesday evening at 8.30pm to 10.30pm at Caius House Youth Centre, Clapham Junction.
These sessions aim at those who are looking to prepare for the upcoming League season and sharpen their skills. Sessions will be focusing on technique and physical skills (reaction, peripheral vision and similar) . Each training will consist of 15mins of physical improvement, 1hr skills and technique and 30 mins of games.
It would be good if the keen participants register in advance advising their positions so then the coach can tailor the trainings accordingly.
Please note, these continuous coached sessions are not open to beginners.
Date: 5th June and every Tuesday thereafter
Time: 8.30pm to 10.30pm
Location: Caius House YC, SW11 3RL
Fee: £10, £7 juniors and club members
Get in touch on littlegiantsvolleyballclub@gmail.com or follow the series of FB events on https://www.facebook.com/events/433383550436651/?ti=icl